Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fresh Cage

Yesterday the piggies got a nice, fresh, clean cage. They are always much more active and curious when this happens. I wish I started recording right when we put them in. I also wish the lighting was better, but oh well!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sleepy Xabi

We're not sure if Xabi is starting to become less skittish, or if his natural defense mechanism is to shut-down, but recently while I was cleaning the cage, I put all 3 pig-pig-pigs on Justin's lap. While the other two were stress-squeaking, Xabi just laid down and fell asleep while Justin stroked his little nose. As soon as Justin would stop he would look up like "hey, what's wrong with you? moaaaar!"

"I'm getting sleeeeeepy..."

"This lap is so comfy, if only I could get a nose rub"

"Oh, it feels so good"

"This is the beeeeest"


"That's right."


The thought process started out along these lines:

"I think I'll make a little expansion for the guinea pigs, right on their cage. I can just do it for Floor Time only. That way, we just open the little gate and once a day they can have a whole extra place to run around. Then, at night, we can close it."

Wayullll...floor time all the time! Haha, we, uh, didn't close the gate, and now they have double the space of their already large cage. Because they neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!