Saturday, June 27, 2015

More Loft Pictures

I'm really happy because the piggy boys seem to be really liking the loft. In fact, it is now Xabi's new favorite place. This doesn't surprise me because he has always loved getting up high. Whether it be his barn or on top of the pigloo, he always wants up high. 

I'm also really happy because 1) I have been able to feed the boys separately much more easily. And 2) the loft gets messy with hay all over, but the rest of the cage doesn't. 

Clean(ish) cage. You can see Harvard in the Pigloo and Xabster up top.

"Everything the light touches is my kingdom."

Messy loft. It will be much easier cleaning one small blanket than a full sized blankie. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Cage Expansion...again

I recently made yet another expansion to the pig cage. It is something I'm both proud of and a little embarrassed by. I'm not sure how long it will last, because it's going to be a pain to clean, buuuuut, let's just let the illusion play itself out, shall we?

Ta-daa! A new loft! We'll see how long it lasts. They don't seem overly excited about a new ramp. I'm not entirely sure they know how to climb it yet. They can also run all the way around underneath the loft, and there is a little cubby with a bed, too. 

Fancy ramp with side walls.

Xabi, the forever black blur.
"Oh, you just spent hours expanding our cage to an even larger size and added on a new fancy loft? That's nice. I think I'll sleep in my tiny, shabby, old teepee instead. Night night!"

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Xabi's Progress

I weighed Xabi a couple of days ago and I'm happy to report he is doing better. Slowly but surely he is gaining weight back.

(It probably helped that I weighed him after he had a hearty dinner of romaine lettuce)