Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Xabi Vet & Cage Update

News from the vet:

Xabi is at a low weight, but not UNDER-weight. However, if he drops below 900 grams, she would be concerned. At the time of the vet appointment he was at 914 grams. 

She listened to his heart, lungs, guts, ears, mouth, and eye. She said to just keep putting ointment on his eye. It's really difficult to do without it getting smeared all over his fur by his eye. Then, when it dries, the fur around his eye gets pulled out in clumps when he cleans it. He's developing a little bald spot. :( She also said that what he has is called Horner's Syndrome. Which I think we knew, but had forgotten. Or didn't know the name of, but knew his symptoms.

The next thing she said is that with the bickering going on between Harvey and Biscotti, Xabi is probably not getting as much food as he normally would. We decided to do away with the current cage design, and make a simple, no-loft cage (which is a shame, since the loft minimizes hay debris getting everywhere), with 3 separate sections. It has worked out really well! See below:

Originally Harvey was on the left, Xabi in the middle, and Biscotti on the right. I figured Xabi could be a good buffer between the two trouble-makers. But then Scotti just bit the cage incessantly until we decided to try putting him in the middle. He is much happier now. He just needs to make sure he is in charge. He's the center of the universe! 

It has also been kind of fun making sure the pigs get exclusive rights to their favorite things. Harvey got his straw teepee, Biscotti got his pigloo (although he prefers the tent, but it's dirty right now), and Xabi got his barn. He LOVES to lay on top of it. He has always loved being on top of things. I've wondered if it makes him feel more secure, since he has worse eye sight. 

It's also really easy to clean. Plus, all 3 pigs have separate food bowls, hay racks, and water bottles. It is easier to monitor their droppings, as well. Before it was impossible to tell which droppings belonged to which pig. 

Xabi, before the vet visit. D'awww
I'm happy to report that he is now at 924!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Xabi's Weight Problem...

Poor Xabi keeps losing weight, despite the fact that I always see him muching on pellets and veggies. We're not sure what's going on, but he has a vet appt. on Friday, and I'll keep this blog updated with the diagnosis. Hopefully it's nothing serious. Poor pig!