Saturday, September 26, 2015

Xabi's Progress

I am VERY happy to report that Xabi is up to 1022 grams! He has not been in that weight range since June. He has gained 148 grams in 3 weeks! That's a 1/3 of a pound! Go Xabi boy! (Unfortunately, Harvey has also been packing on the weight, and is now in the 1300s, so we'll be scaling down his pellet portions.) And cute Biscotti is nice and athletic as always. :)

EDIT: He's back down. :( Not sure what's going on. Looks like another vet visit is in store.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Harvey Therapy

Sometimes, when you're on your period, you hate your job, your car doesn't work, you can't seem to lose weight, and it's really humid outside, you just need to lay down and have a 3-pound guinea pig sit on your chest and stare at you.

Therapy that works!