Monday, May 23, 2016

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy

Lately I have been sort of happy-sad about getting Biscotti & Harvey out to eat grass. Happy because they are so happy to have fresh grass and clover. As soon as you set them down they start eating at turbo-speed.

But it's also bittersweet because Xabi never got to fully experience eating grass. When we were in Indiana, it was too risky to set them down on grass that had ticks. Then, while in Utah he got a little taste but it was in mid-March and too chilly to stay outside very long. Once it warmed up he was too weak and sick to be taken outside. Even if he had a burst of energy, he didn't have the ability to eat anything that wasn't in liquid form. So although it's really fun to take the two pigs out, I always feel a twinge of grief for Xabi.

Anyway, I didn't actually mean to make this a sad post, so I'll continue to the happy parts of the post. When we first moved to the house we're now in, the lawn had not been mowed in a really long time. In other words, it was piggy heaven! Here are some photos of Biscotti and Harvey in their dream environment.