Monday, May 18, 2015

Xabier Vet Visit

Xabster has been losing weight. I first noticed how skinny he was when I gave him a bath and cut his hair. It disguises his skinny little body! Since March 29th he has lost 110 grams. This is quite a lot for a little pig.

We are taking him into the vet for the following symptoms:

  • Goopy eye. The eye on his paralyzed side has been really goopy and runny. It is also sort of sunken in and dull. I figured that is probably due to him not having motor control on that side of his face. But the goopy/runny eye has me worried. We also thought it might be due to hay fever, but his weight loss makes me think it is something else.
  • Doesn't eat very fast.
  • He has an interest in food, he just doesn't eat very much.
  • Gets lots of crumbles of food. He drops food easily. I also figured this was because of his previous condition, but now I'm wondering if it's all related.
  • Uneven teeth. <- This is what makes me think all of the symptoms are related. My theory is that he has malocclusion. Possibly just on one side (because he only chews on the other side)
This page is what made me think it's malocclusion:

We'll see what the vet says! Wish Xabi luck!

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