Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Favorite Spot

Now that we have a loft, the pigs have found their new favorite spot. It is on top of a little bed that my mom made, that I put in the corner of the loft. 

Post-feast fatigue. "So...full...can't...move..."

 Xabi has a fiesty side-eye. Reminds me of Lucille

Biscotti, the bossiest of them all, taking a nap. Probably exhausted from all of his rumble-strutting.

 Isn't he so cute? This is before they spread hay everywhere. Here Biscotti is soaking up the morning sun on a weekend. (Although, to guinea pigs, every day is a weekend)

Harvey, settling down for a 15 minute interval of sleep before going back to the regularly schedule program (eating).

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