Thursday, November 5, 2015

Specialty Vet

This past weekend started with taking Xabi to the vet (and picking Erin up from the airport!!!).

The vet visit was a bit of a doozy. The vet listened to Xabi's heart and lungs-nothing abnormal. They sedated him and took an X-Ray-nothing abnormal. They took a blood sample and did a full panel-nothing abnormal.

The vet said that
a) He was a bit more gassy than she likes to see, but that could be from the sedative.
b) His eye has more discharge than is normal, even with a nerve deficit. She suspects maybe an Upper Respiratory Infection.
c) His head tilted a little bit when he was sedated, (I think it's because he can't see out of his right eye very well, but I kept that to myself) so he might have a lingering ear infection causing head-tilt.

So we have him on antibiotics and also a G.I. tract mobilizing...stuff. His poops are back to normal, so hopefully by the end of the antibiotics, he'll be feeling much better.

Now who wants to see an X-Ray of a guinea pig?! I know I do!

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