Friday, January 1, 2016

Road Trip!

We did it! Justin graduated with his master's degrees and we packed everything up, including the piggy boys, and moved back home. I was really worried about moving 1500 miles with these little guys, but they actually did mostly well. Harvey was pretty stressed, though, and dealt with a lot of bloating as a result. In fact, it wasn't until the 3rd day of driving that he even moved off of his little cushion. Poor little fella.
 "Hey. Hey, heyheyheyheyhey. Hey guys."

"Are we there yet?!"

Biscotti, resting on his cushion. 
 Poor Harvard, for about 2 days he just stayed glued to his little bed. I think the rumbles in the road scared him. 
 We set up their full cage with hay, water, pellets, veggies, and beds. 
 Little Xabi had his own cage. Partially because 3 pigs wouldn't work in the larger cage (Which was divided in two in order to separate Harvey and Biscotti), but also because he needs extra care. More details on that in the next post.

Xabi got cuddles when I took him out to handfeed him. Cute little guy was sleepy here.

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